The death certificate is a document that attests to the death of a person. It contains information such as the name, first name, date and place of birth, nationality, address, and profession of the deceased, as well as the date, place, and cause of death1.

In Cameroon, the death certificate is established during the declaration of death, which must be done within 24 hours following the death. The presence of two adult witnesses and a medical certificate of death is required1.

To obtain a death certificate, you must go to the civil status center of the place of death or the place of residence of the deceased and present the original certificate and a form to be completed online or on-site. There are different types of forms depending on the model of the death certificate1.

If the deceased is of foreign nationality, it is also necessary to declare the death to the consulate of the country of origin of the deceased, if the death occurred within its consular jurisdiction. A death certificate can be established by the consulate according to the rules of the country of origin1.

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